Kent Foundation Repair

Foundation Repair in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula

A foundation support bracket hooked up to hydraulics.

Kent Foundation Repair is a regional expert in foundation repair with helical piers. Our crews traveled over three hours away to install helical piers to fix a failing foundation in the UP.Your foundation is the most important system in your home for many reasons. It provides the necessary structure for every other system in your home to operate efficiently. A sinking foundation will negatively affect your HVAC, electric and plumbing, just to name a few. Foundation settlement can also cause cracked and bowing walls; cracks in drywall and gaps in doors in windows. In other words, it sabotages the performance of the building as a protective structure – making it difficult to keep outside air from drafting in and conditioned air from escaping. This is particularly important for homes that experience extreme winters – like those in Upper Michigan.

READ MORE: How to deal with winter weather around your home.

Jobsite: Levering, Michigan

This home in Levering, Michigan needed foundation repairs with helical piers to help lift and stabilize the home’s structure. The Kent Foundation Repair team performed these winter repairs with dedication.

  • A cabin with a sinking foundation in Levering MI.
  • This steel i-beam floor support beam is separated from the floor joists by a few inches due to foundation shifting.
  • A foundation support bracket hooked up to hydraulics.
  • A foundation support bracket hooked up to hydraulics. As the house is raised, the collected ground water is drained.

A four-man crew and Superintendent Rex Hart traveled to Levering for four days. They installed 15 helical piers, each 55 feet deep. In order to do so, the team excavated small holes at each pier location.

The water table for this project caused each of the hole to fill with freezing cold water. The team worked to pump the water out of each hole to allow for proper installation of the helical piers. After installation was complete, they back-filled the holes.

Despite working far from home base, freezing temperatures and freezing water, this home is back on solid ground.

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