Kent Foundation Repair

Lake House Foundation Problems and Solutions

A Lake Michigan shoreline featuring lake houses that may have foundation problems.
“Beach erosion” by Kevin Dooley shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

Lake houses and waterfront properties are attractive real estate investments, but they often carry foundation issues. Read on to discover common lake house foundation problems.

Having a home so close to the water means taking extra care to ward off any moisture or water intrusion to the foundation healthy. Here are four things to check related to lake house foundation problems.

Lake House Foundation Problems: A Checklist

Building Codes

Lakeside living often follows specific zoning rules and building codes that determine how property owners can build or expand their cabins and homes. These rules also instruct how close a foundation can be to water. Some homes and structures may have foundations built before these laws. For pre-existing foundations, they require repair and upkeep more often. This is a more prevalent issue for foundations if the house is not code-compliant. Local government experts regularly check to see whether or not the structure is code-compliant and if upgrades are required. 

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The Water Table 

The water table is the layer of saturated soil where groundwater collects. As water infiltrates through the ground from precipitation, water bodies, or aquifers, it forms water tables.

As you get close to a body of water, the depth of the water table starts increasing. This occurs because the surface water is soaking through the soil and saturating the ground closest to the topsoil.  

The higher water table closer to the water body can cause lake house foundation problems. Foundation repair experts often suggest adding drainage ditches to keep water away. Trenches are often filled with layers of gravel to improve drainage around the cabin or home and keep water away from the foundation.

Other Causes for Lake House Foundation Problems

Flooding and Flood Zones

During rainy seasons, lake houses are at a higher risk of flooding. Continuous rainfall can cause the soil to become oversaturated. Subsequently, the ground becomes heavy and shifts, leading to foundation disruption. According to experts, it is always wise to have buildings elevated high enough to avoid flooding and wave action. Be sure to consult a contractor when planning to build a home in a flood zone

Erosion and Soil Problems

Erosion is another cause for lake house foundation problems. As water runs across the bare ground, it dislodges soil, leading to erosion. It becomes even more intense due to impervious surfaces like roofs and driveways. These surfaces account for more run-off by preventing water from soaking into the ground. The increased amount of run-off water has the potential to erode soil and cause significant shifts in the foundation.  

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Consider the following preventive measures when planning to build a new foundation in an area that is highly prone to erosion. 

If you have any questions regarding lake house foundation problems, call one of our experts at Kent Foundation Repair. They are able to resolve any concerns and issues you have regarding your foundation. 

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